Final Fantasy XIV Botanist Guide

Just starting out in Final Fantasy XIV? If you need a quick Botanist leveling guide

to help you get to the maximum level in Final Fantasy 14 then this is just for you.

Let’s get into it and figure out how you can power level up and avoid a lot of the

tough stuff that people go through on their adventure to level 50.

Use Botany to Level Up – Skipping Quests
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While I think questing is probably the best way to level up, I’m sure that you want

to use your class and really try out the new profession-class hybrid that this game

introduces to gamers. The main difference between this kind of Botany and the other

kinds of botany/herbalism that other games have is the fact that you can actually

level up your base level by doing the actions involved in the profession. For

instance, picking up an herb or doing something similar will literally give you

experience as if you killed a monster. This is the fundamental difference and one

that I think you will enjoy since it takes out a lot of the grinding that we’re used


Quest & Stick to One Place to Level Up

If you do want to power level and hit 50 as fast as possible then I think it’s

probably best to still quest. It’s really the most efficient, even though you can

“herb” your way to 50. Whatever you choose, you should probably throw in a few quests

every now and then regardless, and sticking to one place will help you out tons too.

Instead of traveling around picking up quests, doing them all, then turning them all

in – you should do one spot at a time and really knock them out. This will make sure

that your experience per hour stays up and you don’t waste time while traveling to

turn them in.

Avoid Hard Quests – Important

Some quests take an hour to do because they ask you to do some really, really out of

the way things. Like pick up a rare item that is never there, or run to the other

part of the world. Skip these quests – you’ll be sorry if you do them!

Using A Step by Step Guide To Start Leveling Up Faster Then Ever Before

It’s recommended that if you are in a need to level up really fast, that you use a

step by step guide that will teach you the best leveling routes, what quests to

accept and what to kill.